Past Activities



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  • Jan. 14, 2017: WinSETT Leadership Program – Becoming Leaders. Speakers Dr. Laura Halfyard. General Manager, Sunrise and Connaigre Fish Farms Inc. and Susan Fudge. Fisheries Biologist, Marine Institute, VP WISE NL.
  • Feb. 11, 2017: WinSETT Leadership Program – Effective Communication. Speaker Jennifer Williams. Vice President, Nalcor
  • Feb. 20, 2017: Speaker Series –  “Test tubes, tents, & town halls: Putting biological research into practice for wildlife” with Laura King, Wildlife Preservation Canada.
  • Mar. 21, 2017: Speaker Series – Dr. Penny Morrill, Department of Earth Sciences, MUN.
  • Apr. 25, 2017: Speaker Series – Women in Science and Engineering at Nalcor, panel discussion.
  • Apr. 22, 2017: WinSETT Leadership Program – Navigating Politics. Speaker Kim Keating. Vice President Fabrication, Cahill Group of Companies.
  • Apr. 29, 2017: WinSETT Leadership Program – Negotiating for Success. Speaker Leslie Grattan. President, Leslie Grattan & Associates.
  • May 27, 2017: WinSETT Leadership Program – Networking, Mentors & Sponsors Speaker Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal. Professor, MSVU, NSERC Chair for Women in Science & Engineering.
  • November 22, 2017: Annual General Meeting and Speaker Series.

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  • Mar. 8, 2018: Speaker Series – “Women in Entrepreneurship“.  Panelists – Emily Blan, Project Sucseed; Jess Chapman, ethree Consulting; Ashley Smith, fundamental Inc; and Erin Stapleton, Stapleton Environmental Consulting.
  • May 23, 2018: Speaker Series – “Impact of women in STEM in the workforce“. Panelists – Jennifer Williams VP, Production, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro; Michelle Simms CEO, Genesis Centre.
  • Nov. 21, 2018: Speaker Series – “Impact of women in STEM in business“. This event panel was organized in conjunction with the WISE NL 30th Anniversary Celebration and Annual General Meeting.
    • Panel Discussion: “Women in STEM in Business”. Panelists –Ashley Smith, Owner of Fundamental Inc., Mona El Tahan, Founder of InCORETEC Inc.; Charlene Johnson, CEO of Noia; and Paula Sheppard, CEO of NLOWE. Moderator: Caron Hawco, Caron Hawco Group
    • Keynote: “Women in STEM in Leadership & Community”
      Keynote Speaker: Kim Keating, Vice President, The Cahill Group
  • Dec. 8, 2018: ‘Mentorship‘. Panelists – Dr. Fran Kerton, Dr. Erika Merschrod, and Susan Fudge. Moderator – Eileen O’Brien.

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