The women scientists and engineers in and from Newfoundland and Labrador, contribute to society and the economy in many different ways . This section provides a small snippet of how and where that happens. If you would like to contribute to this collection, send an email message to
Female Faculty at MUN
As of May 25, 2015, there are 9 female faculty in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and 63 female faculty in the Faculty of Science. One woman of science serves at the level of Dean… Read more
Notable NL Women of Science & Engineering
Profiles of local women of science and engineering who made past contributions that increased the quality of life in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Read more…
- Comparisons of NL and Canada enrolment, graduation, and professional registration
- Degrees Granted by Faculty and Gender: Table 4 Longitudinal Compilation – MUN Fact Books
- Undergraduate Degrees Granted by Major and Gender: Table 4a Longitudinal Compilation – MUN Fact Books
- National statistics – Provided by the Canadian Centre for Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology (WinSETT)