Speaker Series: Challenges faced by women in the field of science – a perspective from Ghana

In our January WISE NL – Statoil Speaker Series event Esther Amoako will talk about the challenges young women in Ghana experience during their education in the field of science. Esther is passionate about gender-related issues and after fifteen years of experience working with communities, has seen how gender plays a role in all areas, including the environment, agriculture, water and sanitation, and nutrition. As part of the Kumvana Program of Engineers Without Borders Canada, Esther is currently visiting Canada with the intention to learn how Canadian organizations approach and practice gender mainstreaming and is looking forward to bringing ideas and practices into her work in Ghana.

Esther Amoako  is a lecturer  at University for Development Studies in Ghana, where she teaches Environmental Science, Biodiversity Conservation and Global Environmental Change. She is interested in developing networking relationships with marginalized groups, in effect building their capacities and decreasing their vulnerabilities to allow increased access to development options and opportunities. She is currently doing a PhD at Rhodes University, South Africa. 

Join us on Monday, January 25, from 7:00 – 9:00pm at IIC 2001 – Innovation Hall, Angus Bruneau Centre, MUN. All are welcome and the event is free. For more details and to register, visit here



