Speaker Series: Test tubes, tents, & town halls

Laura King
Wildlife Preservation Canada

As the 2016 ‘Canada’s New Noah’ scholarship winner, Laura worked on research and recovery projects with some of the world’s rarest wildlife in tropical Mauritius, often considered as a model for effective bird and reptile conservation. But how does research inform action to help recovered species like these, and vice versa? Laura will discuss how laboratory projects are translated (or not) into real world successes in the field of wildlife conservation, what questions remain unanswered, and what challenges lie ahead in the effort to maintain and manage global biodiversity.

Laura King is a biologist in St. John’s who has worked in government, universities, and non-profits, finding animals and adventures across six continents. She finds great joy in being able to work across varying biological scales, from a minimalist microbe to the largest landscapes. Laura holds a Post-graduate Diploma (Kent), BScH (Queen’s), and MSc (McMaster) in Biology.

Join us on Monday, February 20 from 7:00 – 8:30pm at IIC2001, MUN. All are welcome. Free parking in area 1A.

To register for the event, click HERE.



