Crossing boundaries with Gloria Montano

Gloria Montano
WinSETT, Board of Directors
WISE NL, 2010-2014 past president

From engineering student days in El Paso Texas, to a successful career with Silicon Valley companies big and small, to a national leadership role for women in engineering, what then led Gloria to direct an innovative program in the non-profit sector seeking to bring the benefits of technology to community? What then moved her to complete a Master’s Degree in education? In this talk, Gloria will take us on a journey that crossed disciplines, areas of inquiry, and even literal borders. What individuals and fresh ideas influenced that journey, and where are the possibilities ahead?

Gloria Montano has over 30 years of experience related to engineering in the private sector, non-profit sector and post-secondary education administration. Her experience includes a long history of volunteer work with organizations dedicated to diversifying participation in engineering in the US and Canada. She is past president of WISE NL, a National Past President of SWE and currently serves as a Director of the Canadian Centre for Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology (WINSETT). Ms. Montano holds a bachelor of science in electrical engineering and a masters of education.

Join us on Wednesday, November 23 from from 7:00 – 8:30pm at the Fluvarium. The event will be held in conjunction with the WISE NL Annual General Meeting that starts at 6pm and is open to the public.

All are welcome and the event is free.

To register for the event, click HERE.



