Speaker Series: March 11, 2021


“Exploring the depths – Women in ocean mapping and offshore construction” with Olga Telecka and Breanna Careen

Olga Telecka, P.Eng.
Instructor – Ocean Mapping Program, School of Ocean Technology, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University

Olga Telecka is a Professional Engineer and a graduate of the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering program (BSc. Eng) at the University of New Brunswick. Her career has taken her through years of offshore work in the oil and gas industry as well as the offshore renewable energy sector. Olga’s special interest lies with underwater acoustics and the evolving technologies that improve hydrographic work in fields of ocean construction and engineering, sea navigation mapping and application in environmental work. She is now working as an instructor at the Marine Institute in the Ocean Mapping program, and shares her knowledge and experience with the students who will become future hydrographers.

Breanna Careen
Fugro RAMMS Party Chief

Breanna Careen is a native to Newfoundland and Labrador, having grown up in Point Lance St. Mary’s Bay and currently residing in Paradise. Ms. Careen is employed as RAMMS Party Chief with Fugro and is a graduate of the Ocean Mapping – Diploma of Technology/Bachelor of Technology program at Marine Institute of Memorial University. The program focuses in optical and acoustic sensing technologies, oceanographic instrumentation, and geographic information systems. Since joining Fugro, Ms. Careen has gained experience in both the acquisition and processing of bathymetric data, using both multibeam echosounders and bathymetric LiDAR systems. Since her promotion to Party Chief, she has focused most of her time to Fugro’s LiDAR operations team- assisting in acquisition, processing, and system development however she can. When she isn’t travelling for work, you can almost always find her outdoors enjoying her beautiful home province with her Gordon Setter, Penny. 



